
Lose Weight With Drinking Water

WeightLoss GreenStore Tea

Drinking water can increase the calories you burn. In older ages, resting energy expenditure has been shown to increase by 25-35% within 15 minutes after drinking water. This takes at least 60 minutes. In support of this, a research shows that children with obesity found a 35% increase in energy levels after drinking cold water.

A research shows that obese women examined the effects of increasing water absorption more than a liter per day. They found that over a period of 10 months, this resulted in an additional 2 kgs of weight loss.
 WeightLoss GreenStore Tea

Several other studies have overweight people who drank 1-1.5 liters of water per day controlled for a couple of weeks. They found a significant reduction in weight, waist circumference and body fat. These results can even more impressive when the water is cold. If perrson drinks cold water, the body uses extra calories to heat the water to body temperature.
  WeightLoss GreenStore Tea

Some people claim that drinking water before meals reduces appetite. There seems in fact to some truth behind this, but nearly in older aged adults. Studies of older adults have shown that drinking water before each meal weight loss may increase by 1-1.5 kgs over a period of 10 weeks.
   WeightLoss GreenStore Tea

Drinking Weight Loss Green Store Tea can reduce the stored fat, burn it and help you lose weight in a natural way. Add Weight Loss Green Store Tea to your routine and see the difference in a month!
WeightLoss GreenStore Tea


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