Low carb diets, including
the ketogenic diet, have been controversial for decades. The belief that fats
are bad while carbohydrates are good, which has its origins in scientifically
questionable studies from the 1950s, still assumes a strong hold over public
However, the tides are gradually turning, and more researchers are beginning to question the 20th century's incessant demonization of fats. In fact, since 2002 there have been over 20 studies conducted on low carb diets, and the overwhelming majority of them clearly show that the health benefits of a low carb diet considerably exceed those of a low fat diet - especially when it comes to weight loss and cardiovascular health.
However, the tides are gradually turning, and more researchers are beginning to question the 20th century's incessant demonization of fats. In fact, since 2002 there have been over 20 studies conducted on low carb diets, and the overwhelming majority of them clearly show that the health benefits of a low carb diet considerably exceed those of a low fat diet - especially when it comes to weight loss and cardiovascular health.
Weight loss
Studies show that people who
significantly reduce their carbohydrate intake tend to lose more weight, and at
greater speed, than those on low fat diets. For example, a study published in a Journal of Medicine found that
obese subjects that suffered from a high prevalence of diabetes or a metabolic
syndrome lost more weight on a six month low carb diet than on a calorie- and
fat-restrictive diet. Another study produced similar results. "The low carb diet appears to be an effective method for short-term weight loss in
overweight adolescents and does not harm the lipid profile," concluded the
Perhaps the biggest reason why low carb diets are so effective at resulting in weight loss is that fat is naturally satiating and can lead to an automatic reduction in appetite. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, tend to have high glycemic loads and can wreak devastation with blood sugar levels, resulting in greater hunger and thus, by extension, greater calorie intake.
Cardiovascular health
A growing number of studies also show
that low carb diets have impressive benefits for our cardiovascular health. One
study for instance, showed that carbohydrate restriction could
decrease the risk for atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease in adult men.
Additionally, another study found that subjects on a low carb diet experienced increased HDL
cholesterol levels, and decreased triglyceride concentrations, when compared to
subjects on a conventional diet. Low carb diets have even been found to reduce
blood sugar and insulin levels.
Since heart disease is responsible for 1 out of 4 deaths in the United States, it's important that we adhere to a diet that minimizes our risk of this widespread medical condition. Ongoing research offer that a low carb or ketogenic diet, coupled with regular exercise, is one the best ways to achieve this important goal.
Following a low carb diet
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