Some dieters shy away from avocados, because the average one contains 21 grams of fat. But just as food is not your enemy, fat is also not at least, not every type.
Beans are packed with fiber and low in calories, but black beans are among the best to burn fat. Dark-colored beans generally larger quantities of phenolic compounds which may interfere with the absorption of glucose and play an important role in weight management.

Many green leafy vegetables such as spinach, are low in calories and high in fiber, which makes you feel full faster and eat less.
Such as spinach, broccoli is loaded with fiber and calcium, the nutrients from fat break down in the body and prevent it form new fat.
Nuts are a well-known appetite suppressant, but almonds particularly effective in burning fat in the body and to maximize digestion flow. Because almonds are low in carbohydrates, which stimulate the appetite, you can reduce your food cravings by eating about 20-25 almonds a day.

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