It's true, most types of yoga nothing close to the calorie-burning power of aerobic exercise. A 150-pound person will burn 150 calories in an hour of doing regular yoga, compared to 311 calories for an hour walk at 3 mph. But it is the exercise, after all, and many doctors believe that yoga can indeed help people take off extra pounds.

How Does It Work?
All completed a survey recalling their physical activity (including yoga) and weight between the ages of 45 and 55.
Power Yoga: The New Attitude
While some say that yoga is too tame to extreme weight loss, many fans of the practice known as power yoga disagreed. While traditional forms of yoga are based on breathing techniques combined with static poses, power yoga combines meditative breathing with faster, more active movements.

Cool post!
YanıtlaSilThank you for your kind comment.
SilReally motivating, thanks!
YanıtlaSilThank you for your kind comment.